Well, Hello

As a yogi and culinary professional, my passion lies within the intersection of food and consciousness.  I live in New York attending grad school and am exploring the world of writing.  If anything, I’d love it if you came away from my blog with a new take on something you had previously seen differently.  I find that I have grown the most in my exploration of the unknown.  I hope that my writings can inspire the same within you.

12 thoughts on “Well, Hello

  1. Pingback: Versatile Blogger Award (my first blogging award) « when is a party not a party?

  2. Just discovered your blog & am a fellow yoga/meditation teacher, whole foods lover, quantum physics devotee 🙂 I just want to tell you that I am a fan of your writing already 🙂 you are awesome.
    ~ thank you

  3. Hi Matthew!
    I was looking for some mountain pictures in Google and just found out your Blog. Really nice words and posts =) I started my path in Buddism (Kadampa) few months ago, since that, my Karma seams to be uniting people with same vibration.
    For my surprise, one of your posts about decisions has been very useful to me since I’m making choises to move out for another city to work and live a “new life” with my girlfriend, here in Brazil.
    So, thats it. Keep this nice work =)



  4. hello matthew,

    can you precise me what makes you feel the link beetween yogi bhajan& whirling..???

    (because i feel it/kundalini & wish to progress on & with…

    many thnks..!!!


    • Kundalini is the primal energy that is behind life and there are many ways to explore it. One such way is whirling. Yogi bhajan uses a specific type of yoga. Meditation, art, music, yoga, dancing, and just about anything if done with passion can bring about kundalini. I see the link in many things and I am sure you can find it in anything you pursue

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